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Liquid vs. Regular Rhinoplasty : Which One Is Right For Me?

Woman undergoing liquid rhinoplasty.

What is a Regular Rhinoplasty?

This extremely common cosmetic procedure involves reducing the prominence of the nose, the width of the bridge, any crooks or bumps, or correcting breathing problems by removing some cartilage or bone and reshaping the nose to change its projection and functionality. After your rhinoplasty, also known as a “nose job”, you will experience some swelling or bruising, but once healed, you can enjoy permanent, beautiful results.

What is a Liquid Rhinoplasty?

Liquid rhinoplasty, often referred to as non-surgical rhinoplasty, is a newer, non-invasive option for patients looking to temporarily address issues like a small bump on their nose, a drooping tip of the nose, or asymmetry. It can also be a great option for those who want to “try out” rhinoplasty without the results being permanent. The procedure involves filler being injected into the patient’s nose to reshape it and improve its contour. Results last for 6-12 months.

Similarities & Differences

Liquid Rhinoplasty

Regular Rhinoplasty



Your liquid rhinoplasty begins by your nose being cleaned with an alcohol-based solution to sterilize the treatment area. Then, Dr. Bell will apply ice or numbing cream to prevent any pain if necessary. Small amounts of filler are then placed into the procedure areas until the desired contour has been achieved. The filler is then smoothed out to prevent any nasal pressure.


Your surgical rhinoplasty will be performed either by an incision inside your nose or through an external cut at the base of your nose. Dr. Bell will readjust the bone and cartilage to make your nose symmetrical and correct any breathing issues. He can also change the shape of your nose and remove or add cartilage depending on your desired results. To manage pain, a general anesthetic will be administered. You will recover in another room until you are fully awake.


Procedure Length


Around 15 minutes.


Around 1.5-3 hours.




Little to no pain, but numbing cream, anesthetic, or ice will be supplied if you experience discomfort.


You will be given anesthetic for any pain during the procedure, and the day after your procedure you will experience mild pain which will subside in a few days.




Little to no downtime following your procedure – just avoid applying pressure to the injection site(s) and gently massage the area to ensure the filler smooths out for the first 1-2 weeks.



You can return to work and regular activities 7-10 days following your procedure. After your surgery, you cannot:

– Partake in strenuous activities for a few weeks post-op.
– Take showers while your bandages are still on.
– Blow your nose.Perform extreme facial expressions that could  cause nose pain.
Brush your teeth in an aggressive manner.
– Wear clothes that are hard to take off or pull over your head.





Results typically last 6-12 months, but you can enjoy your new nose contour for up to 2 years in some cases, depending on the type of filler used. Attend repeat sessions to maintain results.  


Your surgical rhinoplasty results will be permanent and you can enjoy your results once swelling subsides 2-4 weeks post-op.

Which Option is Right for Me?

If you’re afraid to go under the knife but still want to correct a small bump in your nose or enhance the tip of your nose, liquid rhinoplasty is a great option for improved asymmetry and as a way to “try on” a nose job if you ever want to see these results become permanent one day. If you are looking for a permanent solution to moderate or severe concerns regarding your nose’s shape or breathing issues, a traditional rhinoplasty may be the better option.

Benefits of Regular Rhinoplasty

Some benefits of a surgical rhinoplasty include:

    • Permanent results that show off your beautiful new nose contour.
    • Improved breathing function and addressing structural issues within the nose.
    • Can be performed in conjunction with other procedures for a full glow up.

Side Effects of Regular Rhinoplasty

Some risks of a surgical rhinoplasty include:

    • A longer recovery time with results that can take up to a year to reveal themselves. 
    • More expensive than its non-invasive alternative.
    • A rare but still possible risk of bleeding, infection, and numbness.

Benefits of Liquid Rhinoplasty

Some benefits of a liquid rhinoplasty include: 

    • Little to no recovery time, boasting immediate results.
    • A cheaper alternative to the surgical procedure, although repeat sessions will be needed to maintain results. 
    • The procedure only takes around 15 minutes, and if you are unhappy with the results, they can be reversible or adjusted if hyaluronic acid is used.

Side Effects of Liquid Rhinoplasty

Some risks of a liquid rhinoplasty include:

    • Temporary results mean you have to top-up your filler every 6-12 months, which also means that costs can add up.
    • Liquid rhinoplasty cannot correct breathing problems or more severe aesthetic concerns.
    • Risks of blockage to blood vessels due to improper injection occur but on a very rare basis. When in the hands of an expert like Dr. Bell, there should be no worries about this complication occurring.

Questions to Ask Dr. Bell About Your Rhinoplasty

Some good questions you should ask Dr. Bell during your rhinoplasty consultation include:

    • What experience do you have performing surgical and non-surgical rhinoplasties?
    • Can I see before and after photos from previous patients?
    • Are you board certified?
    • What will my procedure cost?
    • Which rhinoplasty option is the best for me?
    • How long will my recovery be and can you provide aftercare instructions?
    • How is the procedure performed?
    • What kind of filler do you use for a liquid rhinoplasty procedure?


Will a Liquid Rhinoplasty Fade Over Time?

Yes. A liquid rhinoplasty is a temporary procedure, unlike a surgical rhinoplasty, so your results can fade in as little as 6 months or can last for as long as 2 years. Either way, you will need to attend follow-up treatments if you want to maintain your results.

Can I Put Pressure on my Nose After a Liquid Rhinoplasty?

Avoid putting any pressure on the injection site(s) for 1-2 weeks following your treatment, but it is okay to gently massage the area to make sure the filler stays in the places you want it to be and your nose gets used to the hyaluronic acid. Additionally, if you wear glasses, avoid putting them on for 1-2 weeks following your procedure as they may cause a dent in the skin.

How do I Know if I am a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

You are a good candidate for both liquid rhinoplasty if you have small nasal bumps or a drooping nose tip that you would like to correct temporarily, or if you are interested in a rhinoplasty and want to “try on” the results before committing to them permanently.

If you are looking to correct breathing issues or fix a severely asymmetrical nose, a surgical rhinoplasty may be a better option for you. Surgical rhinoplasty is the best option for a permanent fix and more drastic results. Make sure you understand the risks and benefits of both procedures by contacting Dr. Bell and booking a consultation today.

By SpaMedica Infinite Vitality Clinic Non-Surgical

The team at Toronto's SpaMedica comprises a distinguished group of Canada's top dermatologists, nurses, and technicians, specializing in non-surgical cosmetic procedures. With a wealth of experience and credentials, the team expertly delivers anti-aging, body contouring, laser skin, skincare, and vaginal treatments. Known for their commitment to patient care and exceptional results, the medspa team continues to lead the industry in innovative techniques.
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