For Non Surgical | +1-416-925-2561
For Surgical | +1-877-211-7505

Face Wrinkles


Patients with wrinkled skin suffer from a prevalent condition, specifically the loss of the support foundations of the underlying structures of the skin, resulting in wrinkles. Predisposition to wrinkles can be hereditary and is often made worse by environmental conditions and lifestyle. Factors that contribute to excessively wrinkled skin include sun damage, smoking, weight loss and weight gain, over-animated facial muscles and a hereditary thin skin that lacks collagen and elastin and the supportive elements of the skin envelope. Wrinkled skin is most common on the face and usually the most aesthetically distressing in this location.

The Solutions

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Botox Injectables

Dr. Mulholland has been performing Botox Injectable procedure for over 20 years and has personally evolved highly advanced and specialized techniques used to improve the appearance of wrinkles.


Through the use of gentle radiofrequency and electrical energy, fat cells and blood vessels are internally coagulated to remove the fat through liquefaction.

Fractionated Laser Treatments

High energy lasers are used to target dark circles under the eyes, with up to 60% improvement in their appearance.

4.8 Stars

4.4 Stars