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Chemical Peel in Toronto

650 $
Procedure Time
30 to 60 minutes
Recovery Time
1-2 weeks

How Much Does a Chemical Peel Treatment Cost?

Since there are several different types of superficial peels, their cost varies. The average cost of a chemical peel is approximately $650.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Chemical Peel Procedure?

A chemical peel is a non-invasive, non-surgical cosmetic treatment, typically requiring minimal to no downtime. However, the treated areas may take one to two weeks to fully heal, during which you may experience some skin sensitivity or peeling.

How Long Does a Deep Chemical Peel Treatment Take?

Chemical peel treatments ordinarily take 30 to 60 minutes to perform. While a single treatment can result in visibly improved skin tone and texture, several treatments are often recommended for maximum benefit and optimal results. Many patients will have four to six peels spaced one or two months apart.

What Is a Chemical Peel?

A Chemical Peel is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure used to improve the overall texture and appearance of new, healthy skin. Superficial peels use a chemical solution applied to the skin that gently removes the skin’s outermost layer, revealing more youthful skin with fewer imperfections and fine lines, more even skin texture and tone, and minimized scarring and pitting.

Chemical peeling may also stimulate the production of collagen, which also improves the skin’s overall appearance. There are two types of deep chemical peel procedures offered by MedSpa, using different alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs):

Glycolic Peel

Glycolic peels use a highly concentrated glycolic acid solution – usually 30% to 40% – to remove the outermost layer of skin. Glycolic acid is a powerful exfoliant that helps minimize imperfections, improve the skin’s overall appearance, and rejuvenate skin appearance by gently removing the skin’s first layer, revealing less uneven skin tones beneath.

Salicylic Acid Peel

Salicylic acid is a type of peel which uses beta-hydroxy acid that acts as a powerful exfoliant. When used at prescription strength, as in a salicylic acid peel, the acid sloughs off the outermost layer of skin, eliminating imperfections and revealing smoother, more youthful skin below.

Who Is a Candidate for Chemical Peel Treatment?

If you have primarily superficial facial imperfections, including shallow scarring and wrinkling, dullness and some unevenness and discolouration, you are likely a good candidate for a chemical peel. You should be in good health, without a history of abnormal scarring or other skin conditions, such as cold sores. More severe wrinkling, sagging, or very deep scars may not show dramatic improvement from chemical peels and may require more invasive procedures, such as a facelift.

Generally, fairer skin types tend to be more responsive to chemical peels.

How to Prepare for the Treatment

Prior to your skin peel, avoid at-home exfoliation and do not perform any hair removal techniques for about a week. Sun exposure should also be avoided, and you should not wear makeup to your appointment.

How Is a Chemical Peel Performed by SpaMedica in Toronto?

Before your procedure, you can consult with the clinical team at SpaMedica to determine what type of chemical peel is best for you, particularly if you have sensitive skin.

During your procedure, an aesthetician will apply the chemical solution to your skin and gently remove it after enough time has passed for the active ingredients to take effect.

Immediately following your procedure, your aesthetician will apply a soothing mask to reduce inflammation and a moisturizing, healing cream. Additionally, you will be advised to avoid sun exposure, as your skin will be extremely sensitive to sunlight and more susceptible to sun damage.

Chemical peels are outpatient procedures, meaning you can go home after treatment. After your treatment, you will enjoy a reduction in fine lines and scarring with minimal side effects and downtime.

Chemical Peel Recovery Timeline

Here’s an estimated timeline of what to expect post-treatment. Timings are approximate since much will depend on each patient’s skin type and the type of peel applied.

A woman's lower face showing skin peeling after a recent chemical peel treatment.

Immediate Aftercare (Day 1)

Immediately following your chemical peel, expect mild to moderate redness and sensitivity, akin to sunburn. Your skin will be quite sensitive to sunlight, so avoid direct sun exposure and apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen if you must go outside.

Initial Peeling Phase (Days 2-4)

During the first few days after treatment, your skin will begin to peel. This is a natural part of the healing process as the treated layer of skin cells shed to reveal new, healthier skin beneath. Keep the skin hydrated and avoid picking or peeling the skin manually to prevent scarring.

Active Peeling and Healing (Days 5-7)

Peeling will continue actively during this period, and you may notice the skin feeling tighter and dryer than usual. Continue to moisturize and follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by your clinician. Avoid any strenuous activities or anything that may increase sweating, which can irritate the peeling skin.

Reduction in Peeling (Days 8-14)

By the end of the second week, peeling should significantly decrease, and you’ll start to see the results of your chemical peel. Your skin may still show some redness and sensitivity, but these effects will gradually diminish. It’s essential to continue protecting the skin from sun exposure to ensure optimal healing.

Ongoing Care and Results (Days 15+)

After the peeling process has been completed, your skin will appear more radiant, with an improvement in tone, texture, and overall appearance. Fine lines, wrinkles, and discolorations will be reduced. It’s crucial to maintain a skincare routine that includes hydration and sun protection to prolong the results of your chemical peel.

Follow-up Treatments

Depending on the type and depth of your chemical peel, your clinician may recommend a series of treatments to achieve the best results. Subsequent peels can be spaced one to two months apart, based on your skin’s response and recovery.

9 Benefits of a Chemical Peel Procedures

These treatments offer a range of benefits for improving the skin’s appearance and health. Here are some of the key advantages:

Improved Skin Texture and Smoothness

Chemical peels help to remove the outer layer of dead skin cells, revealing softer, smoother skin underneath.

Reduction in Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Regular treatments can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in aging skin, particularly those around the eyes and mouth, by stimulating collagen production.

Brighter, More Even Skin Tone

These treatments can significantly reduce the appearance of dark spots, hyperpigmentation, and melasma, leading to a more even and bright skin tone.

Acne and Acne Scarring Reduction

Chemical peels can improve acne-prone skin by unclogging pores while also reducing the appearance of acne scars by promoting skin regeneration.

Minimized Pores

The process can help to unclog and reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, which are often difficult to treat with over-the-counter skincare products.

Enhanced Absorption of Skincare Products

By removing the top layer of dead skin cells, chemical peels can help skin absorb skincare products, making them more effective.

Scar Reduction

Skin peels can improve the appearance of mild scarring by smoothing the skin’s surface and reducing the depth of superficial scars.

Quick and Convenient

Chemical peels are relatively quick treatments that can be performed in one session at SpaMedica, Toronto, requiring minimal downtime compared to more invasive procedures.

Customizable Treatments

The depth and intensity of the peel can be customized to match the patient’s specific skin concerns and recovery time, making it a versatile treatment option for various skin types and issues.

By targeting a wide range of skin issues with minimal downtime, chemical peels are a great way to significantly enhance your skin’s appearance and health.

Risks of a Chemical Peel Treatments

While chemical peels are generally very safe, there are some risks. These include:

  • Changes in skin colour: Skin may become permanently darkened after a chemical peel procedure. This is more common in people with darker skin.
  • Redness and swelling: Some redness and swelling after a chemical peel are entirely normal.
  • Infection: Bacterial or fungal infections may occur during the healing process.
  • Scarring: Scarring rarely occurs and is usually concentrated in the lower part of the face.

Best Procedures Paired with a Chemical Peel Treatment

You may pair other non-surgical procedures with your chemical peel for more dramatic results. Microdermabrasion and microneedling pair well with chemical peels. Speak with the clinicians at SpaMedica to determine whether any of our other non-surgical techniques can help you better achieve your optimal desired results.

Why Choose SpaMedica?

At SpaMedica, our clinical professionals will work closely with you to determine your specific facial concerns and choose what type of chemical peel will result in the best outcomes.

Our staff are experienced, talented, and highly professional and will perform your chemical peel in SpaMedica’s state-of-the-art facilities here in Toronto. In addition, staff and clinicians are available to answer any questions that may arise during your recovery period and will advise on the benefits of repeat chemical peels following your recovery.

SpaMedica’s Dr. Chen is one of Toronto’s leading specialists in skin peel treatments, so you know your skin is in impeccably safe hands.


What Does a Chemical Peel Do?

A chemical peel is a skin-resurfacing procedure that applies a chemical solution to the skin to remove the top layers. The skin that grows back after a peel is smoother and younger-looking, providing skin rejuvenation. Chemical peels are performed to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars and skin discoloration. They can improve the skin’s appearance by reducing fine lines, acne scars, and hyperpigmentation.

How Long Does a Chemical Peel Last?

The results of a chemical peel can vary based on the type of peel, the condition of the skin, and how well you take care of your skin post-treatment.

Superficial peels may require regular sessions to maintain results, while medium to deep peels offer more dramatic and long-lasting benefits.

Generally, the effects can last from one month to several years. Superficial peel effects can last 1-2 months, while deeper peels can last up to several years with proper skin care and protection from sun exposure.

How Often Should You Get a Chemical Peel?

The frequency of treatment depends on the type of peel, your skin type, and your desired outcomes. Light peels can be undertaken every 2-4 weeks initially, then once every month or two as maintenance.

Medium peels may be performed every 3 to 6 months, depending on your skin’s reaction and healing process. Deep peels are more intensive and are typically done once every few years, as they require a longer recovery time.

It’s essential to consult with a SpaMedica clinician to determine the best schedule for your skin needs and to ensure the health and safety of your skin.

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