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Thigh Lift (Thighplasty) in Toronto

Thigh Lift Before & After Pictures


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Starts at $9,999
Procedure Time
3 hours
Recovery Time
3 months
Thomas Bell, M.D
Physician and internationally recognized cosmetic plastic surgeon and lecturer.
66 Avenue Road, Suite 4 Toronto, Ontario M5R 3N8

How Much Does a Thigh Lift Cost?

The cost of a thigh lift starts at $9,999.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Thigh Lift?

It takes 3-4 weeks to return to most normal activities after a thigh lift. However, patients should wait up to 3 months to resume all normal activities, such as strenuous exercise.

How Long Does a Thigh Lift Take?

It usually takes 3 hours to shape thighs that have excess fat and skin. The procedure changes the proportions of the thighs, making them lean, smooth, and firm. The procedure makes the lower body more proportionate and creates a youthful-looking appearance.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

Have you tried diet and exercise to remove excess fat and tighten the skin on your inner or outer thighs, but nothing seems to work? Are you in good overall health and close to your ideal body weight, but your thighs deflate your confidence? If so, you are ready for a thigh lift.

A thigh lift is a good option for people who have excess or sagging skin on their thighs. If you have excess skin that won’t go away no matter what you try, a thigh lift may be the right option for you.

Who Is a Thigh Lift Candidate?

Healthy people with excess or sagging skin on the thighs are often good candidates for a thighplasty procedure. Ideal candidates:

  • Have a relatively stable weight.
  • Have loose or sagging skin on the thighs.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Are committed to living a healthy lifestyle after surgery to maintain the results.
  • Are realistic about the expectations for thigh lift surgery.

Are you unhappy with your thighs but not a candidate for a thigh lift? View our nonsurgical body sculpting procedures to find a treatment that is right for you.

Benefits of a Thigh Lift

Removes Excess Skin
Many women have excess skin on the thighs due to pregnancy and significant weight loss. The skin can also begin to sag as people age. A thigh lift removes the extra skin, restoring the shape of the thighs.

Creates a Smoother Contour
A thigh lift is not primarily a fat loss procedure. However, the surgeon can remove excess fatty depositions on the thighs. Once removed, the thighs are much smoother looking. This gives thigh lift recipients much-needed confidence.

Reduces the Appearance of Stretch Marks
Many people with excess skin also have stretch marks. Tightening the skin minimizes the appearance of stretch marks.

Reduces the Risk of Skin Infections
Excess skin isn’t just a cosmetic problem. The folds collect moisture, which can lead to infections. Removing the excess skin reduces the risk of infection.

Thigh Lift Risks

Like all procedures, a thigh lift comes with the risk of potential complications. Dr. Bell, SpaMedica’s new Lead Surgeon, has not seen most of the risks listed below, these risks have been reported:

Bruising, Swelling and Numbness
Many patients experience bruising, swelling and numbness immediately following thigh lift surgery. These side effects are normal and generally go away within 1-2 weeks. Some patients may experience recurrent numbness.

Infections, Hematomas and Anesthesia Complications
Infections, hematomas, and anesthesia complications are potential risks for all surgical procedures. People who experience these complications will be treated accordingly after the thigh lift procedure.

Undesirable scarring can occur after a thigh lift. Dr. Bell will assess your skin type to determine how likely you are to end up with scars. He and the team at SpaMedica also strategically place incisions to minimize the appearance of scarring and if necessary, offer state of the art laser therapy to diminish the colour of the scar.

Asymmetry occasionally occurs with a thigh lift. Although rare, those who experience this complication may require a revision procedure to achieve the looks they want.

Why Choose SpaMedica for a Thigh Lift?

One of the most well-known cosmetic surgery professionals in Toronto is Dr. Tom Bell, who has dedicated his career to helping people achieve their desired look for over 25 years. As a leader in his field, Dr. Bell has the trusted expertise you are looking for in a surgeon. To date, he has preformed over 5000 breast augmentations, liposuctions, tummy tucks, and body contouring procedures.

Different Types of Thigh Lifts

Dr. Bell performs anterior mini-inner thigh lifts, the extended medial, lateral thigh lifts at SpaMedica. These procedures address different problems:

Mini-Anterior Thigh Lift

Uses the groin crease to hide the scar and lifts and tightens only laxity of skin of the upper inner thigh.

Medial Thigh Lift

A medial thigh lift addresses problems with excess skin and fat on the inside of the thigh. The procedure contours the thigh from the groin to the knee.

Lateral Thigh Lift

A lateral thigh lift is used to remove excess fat and skin on the outer thigh. The outer thighs and buttocks are contoured with this thigh lift.

Non-Surgical Thigh Lift Alternatives

EMSculpt, CoolSculpting, Evolve Tite are non invasive technologies that can permanently and non-invasively destroy fat, tighten skin and tone muscle without surgery.

How to Prepare for a Thigh Lift

Patients must prepare before undergoing a thigh lift. Preparation for a thigh lift includes:

Lab testing

Medical evaluation

Stopping smoking

Stopping medications that thin the blood

What to Expect After a Thigh Lift

It is normal to experience bruising, numbness, and some discomfort immediately following a thigh lift procedure. Symptoms should dissipate within 1-2 weeks.

Thigh Lift Recovery and Timeline

While patients can expect to feel sore after the procedure, most people go home the same day. Patients need a driver to take them home, as driving is restricted for the first 10 days following the procedure.

Patients go home with drains in the incision sites. The drains remove excess fluids and reduce the occurrence of swelling. It’s also possible that patients will need to wear a compression garment for a few weeks. This promotes healing and reduces swelling.

Patients will likely need oral pain medication for the first week following the procedure. It’s also important to restrict movement at this time.

Patients will attend a follow-up visit during the first week after surgery. The surgeon or the post- op nursing team will evaluate their progress and give them a timeline for recovery. Most people can resume most normal activities after 2-3 weeks. However, it may take a full 6 months for the swelling to completely go down.

Best Procedures Paired with Thigh Lift

Liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation and even a neck lift are procedures that are commonly combined with a thigh lift.

Thigh Lift FAQ

How Painful Is It to Get a Thigh Lift?

Patients experience a moderate level of pain when undergoing a thigh lift. Pain is managed with oral medications.

Can a Thigh Lift Remove Cellulite?

Many patients noticed a modest reduction in cellulite after a thigh lift. However, cellulite may reappear after the site heals. Dr. Bell can combine a thigh lift with a cellulite reduction procedure in order to get rid of cellulite for good.

Are the Results Permanent?

The results are permanent as long as patients maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. However, it is normal for the skin to lose some elasticity as people age, some patients may experience slight sagging as they get older and a recurrence of thigh skin laxity, but never as bad as it was before the lift.

Verified for Accuracy
The medical information on this page has been reviewed and verified for accuracy by Dr. Stephen Mulholland.

4.8 Stars

4.4 Stars