The average arm lift cost starts at $9,999.
The recovery time from a brachioplasty is 7-14 days.
An arm lift procedure typically takes 3 hours.
A brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a procedure to remove excess skin and soft tissue, as well as fat from the upper arm, defining the shape and contours of your arms.
Candidates for the arm lift or brachioplasty have excess fat or sagging skin on their arms due to aging, weight loss or post-pregnancy. “Bat Wings” can be a very embarrassing condition and an arm lift eliminates the stigmatized appearance. Patients should be in good medical conditions, such as being free from diseases such as uncontrolled diabetes or heart disease.
Attractive Upper Arms
Naturally, the primary benefit of a brachioplasty procedure involves establishing tighter, more youthful-looking arms that counter the effects of the aging process.
Improved Skin Contour
By improving skin contour, a brachioplasty procedure will make it easier to find clothing that makes patients feel comfortable, such as short-sleeve blouses, dresses, and tank tops.
Decreased Irregularities
Tighter, more attractive upper arm skin will make irregularities far less apparent.
Confidence Boost
Fundamentally, a brachioplasty is designed to boost self-confidence by defining and uplifting the shape of the arms.
Like all surgeries, a brachioplasty procedure comes with the risk of potential complications. Dr. Bell has been performing these procedures for many years and, as such, the risk of a significant complication is extremely low. Regardless, please note that all complications are managed and corrected as part of your surgical fee.
While Dr. Bell has not seen most of the risks listed below, these complications have been reported:
Nerve Damage
With respect to a brachioplasty procedure, pricking pain and nerve damage are normally temporary.
Although infections are very rare with respect to brachioplasty procedures, Dr. Bell and his experienced team still take every precaution to ensure that the surgery is a smooth, seamless experience.
Adverse Effects of Anesthesia
Some patients may experience adverse effects to the anesthesia administered before the brachioplasty procedure. Prior to your surgery, Dr. Bell will review your medical history to determine the best sedation for your condition.
It is possible for a small collection of blood, or a hematoma, to develop under the skin as a result of this surgery. The SpaMedica surgeons will take every precaution possible to prevent this from happening.
Led by the exceptional Dr. Bell, the skilled cosmetic surgeons at SpaMedica combine technical proficiency and unparalleled precision with an individualized approach that puts the patient first. By using advanced plastic surgery techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, the SpaMedica team is capable of producing incredible Brachioplasty results.
There are 2 basic types of brachioplasty, a full arm lift, where the incision travels in the groove between the biceps and triceps muscles along the upper inner arm, from the armpit to the elbow.
This scar is concealed well in most every day upper arm motion. The other type of brachioplasty is the “mini-upper arm lift, where the incision is kept in the armpit and upper arm and the rest of the ‘batwing’ is removed using BodyTite liposuction. This scar is well concealed; the “mini’ arm lift is best suited for patients with mild to moderate ‘batwings’.
The modern advent of energy-based devices that can significantly tighten the upper arm skin provides patients with mild ‘batwings’ or, those who don’t want a surgical Brachioplasty a good option. The world’s leading skin tightening device is the Evolve Tite and, when combined with the Morpheus8 Fractional RF Resurfacing, can give very noticeable, non-surgical arm contraction, tightening and contour improvement.
Dr. Tom Bell has more than 25 years of experience in cosmetic plastic surgery of the face and body, and was named one of Canada’s best plastic surgeons by Toronto Life magazine. To perform an arm lift, Dr. Bell work with the patient to determine whether a “mini” arm lift, confined to the upper armpit, or more standard arm lift, which is performed on the upper inner arm between the bicep muscle and the tricep muscle, is desired.
Dr. Bell will then apply local anaesthesia into the area and remove the fat and excess skin hiding in the upper inner arm with liposuction. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes per arm, and is painless. The procedure can also be performed under or local oral anaesthesia.
Dr. Bell uses skin tightening techniques and wrinkle reduction fractional technology to improve the outcome of the arm lift surgery. High-energy systems such as SmartLipo and BodyTite, facilitate additional skin contraction over and above the excision itself, and SpaMedica offers complimentary laser treatment to the scars until they lighten.
Submit our form and include 3 photos for Dr. Bell to review, prior to your arm lift consultation at SpaMedica in Toronto. A consultation with Dr. Bell will help you identify your goals and expected outcomes and create a surgical plan.
After the arm lift procedure, you will wear a comfortable arm support garment to reduce swelling and assist in the natural shrinking and tightening of the skin. Initial discomfort is usually easily controlled with prescription pain medication, such as an NSAID (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Bruising and swelling typically subside within a month.
Strenuous activities are usually possible in 6 weeks, and almost all symptoms are gone in 4-6 months.
Day 1-3: Patients will feel light to mild pain following their procedure. The discomfort can be controlled through prescribed medication or anti-inflammatories such as Advil.
Week 1: Pain typically subsides to the point where most patients no longer require pain medication. Swelling and bruising of the arms will be diminishing but will still be visible for 2-3 weeks.
Day 10: Stitches are dissolvable, but the bandages and drainage tubes are removed. While arm mobility is more comfortable, patients are advised to avoid stretching or heavy lifting. Most patients can return to work and normal daily activities, including showering. Your surgeon may advise you to wear a compression garment for 6 weeks which will help the healing process.
Week 4-6: Bruising and swelling should be gone entirely, revealing the final results of the procedure. At 6 weeks, patients are usually cleared to resume heavy lifting or intense arm activity.
Month 6: Scarring at incision sites are less noticeable. These scars will continue to diminish for up to 2 years after the arm lift.
A brachioplasty is most often combined with liposuction and tummy tuck surgery.
Once the local anesthetic is administered, the area is frozen, and there is no pain.
Post-operatively there is often a little bruising, some discomfort and a “paper cut” type of discomfort to the arm excision, but generally, the pain is quite tolerable and classified as discomfort and can be controlled with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications.
Every plastic surgeon has their own rules for when it is ok to exercise after Brachioplasty. Typically, light walking is fine in the first 2-3 weeks, as long as you continue wearing your compression garment and don’t sit in sweaty clothes afterwards.
The arm lift scar is hidden in the upper inner arm and there is minimal bruising. Generally, patients can hide the surgical site quite easily in long-sleeved clothing. The scar changes over time and is treated for one year after the procedure.
Once the scar has healed, it can be improved with laser work to take the redness out. Topical silicone gel strips are used to flatten a raised scar, and a compression garment is required to compress the area and allows adequate wound healing. This garment can be worn down to the middle of the forearm, and like liposuction, the garment is used to facilitate a “shrink wrapping” of the skin.