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What is the Difference Between Fillers and Botox?

what's the difference between fillers and botox

Having the right information is essential for making informed choices and achieving optimized results with cosmetic procedures – neuromodulators, fillers, etc.

Understanding the differences between these procedures is key. For example, what’s the difference between fillers and Botox? Moreso, can they be combined?

At SpaMedica, in Toronto, we offer customized solutions that focus on prevention, restoration, and beautification. For us, positive aging is a journey that begins with the future in mind. We focus on educating and empowering our clients to achieve their individual aesthetic goals while promoting beauty and self-confidence across all ages and genders.

This article will compare the differences between fillers and Botox (neuromodulators).

Fillers and Botox: How They Work

Fillers are crafted for injection into the skin to replenish lost volume, resulting in a more refreshed appearance.

They contribute to achieving enhanced volume and balance in our face. Additionally, they can shape and contour lips, cheeks, temples, chin, and jawline for a more desired look and assist in reducing the appearance of acne scars.

Certain fillers can also hydrate the skin, promoting a healthier appearance and glow. Moreover, they can stimulate collagen, softening the look of lines and sagging on the neck, chest, knees, and arms.

Because they align with our body’s biology, fillers are well-tolerated with minimal risk of causing adverse reactions.

Common fillers include Juvéderm, Belotero, Teosyal, and Radiesse.

Botox, a widely recognized term, is essentially a brand name, similar to how Kleenex is synonymous with tissues. Other FDA-approved neurotoxins worth noting are Dysport, Xeomin, and Nuceiva.

Neuromodulators function by interrupting the interaction between Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the body, and muscle cells, preventing muscle contraction. This relaxation of muscles results in a smoother appearance of the overlying skin, reducing the appearance of tension.

Fillers and Botox: Differences

dermal fillers toronto

Differences between dermal fillers and BotoxLet’s simplify and break down these differences into the following:

  1. How they work
  2. Where they are used
  3. Side effects
  4. How long the effects last
  5. Treatment costs

How they work

A primary difference between fillers and Botox functions lies in their targets.

Botox, classified as a neurotoxin, functions by temporarily and safely immobilizing nerve signals that initiate muscle contractions, resulting in muscle relaxation.

In contrast, dermal fillers are injectable substances designed to add volume beneath the skin’s surface. They physically fill in spaces, providing support and plumping up the skin.

Where they are used

Even though they can be used in some of the same places, Botox usually goes on specific facial spots like the forehead, between the eyebrows for frown lines, and by the eyes for crow’s feet. It can also be used on the masseter muscle to help with jaw pain and teeth grinding.

In contrast, fillers go into softer facial areas, including the lips, and also areas like the neck and décolletage.

Side effects

Once again, both treatments share common side effects like temporary redness, mild swelling, and pain, which typically subside quickly.

However, the differences arise from their distinct mechanisms. Botox, focusing on muscle activity, carries a rare and temporary risk of adverse effects such as muscle weakness or drooping in the treated area. In contrast, fillers, being injected substances, may lead to undesired effects when introducing a foreign substance, especially if there’s a known allergen.

It’s crucial to promptly inform your treatment provider of any side effects. 

At SpaMedica, we prioritize your safety by ensuring injections are administered only by qualified, board-certified injectors.

How long the effects last

This varies amongst individuals, especially due to factors such as adherence to post-treatment instructions, baseline skin needs, and specific treated areas.

In general, neuromodulators last 3 – 4 months, but may last up to 6 months for some.

Dermal fillers typically last 6 – 12 months, depending on the area injected and type of filler used. Newer dermal fillers can last up to 2 years.

Treatment costs

Typically, Botox is priced per unit, and the number of units needed can vary depending on the treatment area and individual goals.

In contrast, fillers are generally priced per syringe, with the quantity required determined by the desired level of enhancement. It also depends on the specific type of filler.

Can Fillers and Botox Be Combined?

Combining Botox with dermal fillers is effective.

For example, Botox addresses wrinkles caused by muscle movements (such as crow’s feet and frown lines), while fillers target static wrinkles (like laugh lines and marionette lines).

Additionally, this combination reduces the number of sessions, allowing less time at the clinic and a faster recovery. It enables a swift return to your regular routine without extended breaks.

In summary, this combination achieves a balanced and harmonious appearance.

Get Your Complimentary Consultation at SpaMedica

Despite their differences, fillers and Botox can team up to refresh your face.

At SpaMedica, we focus on prevention with our treatments and a multi-modal approach to deliver the best results.

Our mission is to help you embrace self-care and positive aging through medical aesthetics. We provide safe, effective, and evidence-based treatments to help you look and feel your best.

All of our services are directed by our expert medical doctors.

Whether you’re ready to get started with either Botox or fillers (or even as a treatment combo), or you need more clarification, you can take advantage of our complimentary consultation offer to you.

Get in touch today, and we can talk about choices for a more confident and refreshed version of yourself.

By SpaMedica Infinite Vitality Clinic Non-Surgical

The team at Toronto's SpaMedica comprises a distinguished group of Canada's top dermatologists, nurses, and technicians, specializing in non-surgical cosmetic procedures. With a wealth of experience and credentials, the team expertly delivers anti-aging, body contouring, laser skin, skincare, and vaginal treatments. Known for their commitment to patient care and exceptional results, the medspa team continues to lead the industry in innovative techniques.
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